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How Real Estate is Evolving with Digital Twins and AI

How Real Estate is Evolving with Digital Twins and AI How Real Estate is Evolving with Digital Twins...

Revolutionising Real Estate: The Impact of PropTech 

Revolutionising Real Estate: The Impact of PropTech Revolutionising Real Estate: The Impact of...

Leveraging AI to Reduce Teacher Burnout

Leveraging AI to Reduce Teacher Burnout Leveraging AI to Reduce Teacher Burnout and Improve...

DeFi Adoption in Eastern Europe

DeFi Adoption in Eastern Europe DeFi Adoption in Eastern Europe Decentralised Finance (DeFi) is...

What are the MiCA Regulations?

What are the MiCA Regulations? What are the MiCA Regulations? The European Union’s Markets in...

Recent Trends in Europe Events Market

Recent Trends in Europe Events Market Recent Trends in Europe Events Market: Hybrid and Virtual...

Digital Twins: Transforming Reality in the Virtual World

Digital Twins: Transforming Reality in the Virtual World Imagine a virtual replica of a real-world...

Why Embrace Remote Work 

Why Embrace Remote Work ​ Why Embrace Remote Work The debate over remote versus in-office work...

Why Businesses Are Shifting to Microservices Architecture

Why Businesses Are Shifting to Microservices Architecture Why Businesses Are Shifting to...

Data Management in Microservices: Decentralisation & More

Data Management in Microservices: Decentralisation & More Data Management in Microservices:...

The Future of Microservices: Key Trends and Innovations

The Future of Microservices: Key Trends and Innovations What’s on the Horizon for the Future of...

Empowering Future Generations

Empowering Future Generations We Must Start Empowering the Future Generation Today As our world...

Unyted x DEXPO: Aiming for Mass Adoption!

Unyted x Dexpo: Aiming for Mass Adoption! We’re beyond thrilled to announce the launch of a...

How Universities Boost Student Retention and Save Millions

How Universities Can Increase Student Retention and Save Millions Let’s be real: keeping students...

Empowering Creatives with Decentralised Platforms

Discover how decentralised platforms boost revenue, enhance fan engagement and empower artists with...

Web3 to Web4: Shaping the Future of Digital Interaction

In our rapidly changing digital world, Web3 has truly revolutionised how we interact online. But...

Unyted Wins Best Corporate VR Platform of the Year

Unyted has been honoured with the Best Corporate VR Platform of the Year award at the Innovation and...

Shopping in 3D Worlds: Why Settle for the Usual When You Can Have the Unique

Shopping in 3D Worlds: Why Settle for the Usual When You Can Have the Unique From the Sofa to a...

Business Travel in the Digital Age: Digital Spaces vs. Zoom

Business Travel in the Digital Age: Digital Spaces vs. Zoom Business travel costs are soaring in a...

Opened way to the virtual worlds: How Leading Brands are connecting with their customers

Embracing Virtual Worlds: How Leading Brands Connect with Customers The future internet is no longer...

The Renaissance of Campus Spirit: Rediscovering Community in the Virtual University

The digital revolution has brought the university campus into our homes, challenging traditional...

Video – Das Metaverse: Wie die digitale Zukunft unser Leben verändert

Fundstück: In Collin Croomes fesselndem Vortrag über das Metaverse erhalten wir einen umfassenden...

The Metaverse: Where Education Meets Innovation

The metaverse is more than just a buzzword; it’s a revolutionary force in education and training. In...

Das industrielle Metaverse [Video]

Das industrielle Metaverse ein ganz anderer Blickwinkel, Festo SE & Co.KG...

Immense Potentiale im Industriellen Metaverse!

Das Metaverse erfreut sich zunehmender Beliebtheit, nicht zuletzt im industriellen Bereich. Auslöser...

Immer mehr Unternehmen sehen Vorteile im Metaverse und dem Web 3/Web 4

In den letzten Jahren ist das Metaverse immer mehr in den Fokus von Unternehmen gerückt. Große...

Industrie im Metaverse: Ist der Avatar schon da?

Wie passen Industrie und das Metaverse zusammen? Ein Artikel von Ingenieur.de zeigt wie virtuelle...

Unyted im AI:MAG

Stefan Spelter, Chief Innovation Officer von "Unyted" hat im AI:MAG - dem Magazin für künstliche...

“Smarte Städte” profitieren von virtuellen Welten

Smart Cities, which can be created in the #VirtualWorld, have the potential to improve...

Banken & Versicherungen in virtuellen Welten

Virtuelle Welten erreichen zweifellos eine Revolution in der digitalen Welt und beeinflussen...

MTV kündigt neue Auszeichnung “Beste Metaverse-Performance” für die  Video Music Awards an

MTV hat gerade eine neue Kategorie für die Video Music Awards (VMAs) bekannt gegeben - und zwar die...

Why Fortune 500 Companies Started Working in the Metaverse

The potential for conducting business in a virtual space is huge, and many Fortune 500 companies are...

The 11 Most Important Fashion Brands in the Metaverse and What They Offer

Contrary to popular belief, digital fashion is not just for gamers or young male crypto enthusiasts...

Modenschau im Metaversum: Wie Top Fashion Brands in virtuellen Welten experimentieren

Virtuelle Modenschauen, Shop-Eröffnungen, NFT-Aktionen: Fashion- und Luxus-Brands engagieren sich...

Warum Sie für Ihre nächste virtuelle Veranstaltung 3D wählen sollten

Zoom-Müdigkeit und fehlendes Engagement in Webinaren? 3D-Konferenzen mit Avataren sorgen für den...

Verbinden wie “in echt” | Co-Kreative Szenarien

Im August 2020 wurde Henning vom Thema der Zeitschrift "managerSeminare" gefragt, wie man...